Wednesday, January 09, 2008


While we listened to our art history teacher talking about the reformation it started to rain, making loud noises on the roof. I turned my head upward, I wanted to see it.
The rain took most of the snow with it, so I can’t make snowmen anymore. I made two on Monday and afterwards I ate Pakistani pancakes. Yum.

I’ve bought a fancy toothpaste which is super natural and won’t give me cancer, I’m looking forward to use it. I hope it doesn’t taste funny.

In three days Caroline and I leave for London. I look forward to spending four days with her, she’s so funny and smart and calm too. I like calm being one of the ingredients. We’re not quite sure what to do there, but it’ll be an adventure, I’m sure.


Anonymous said...

Frøydis, I wish I knew you

Frøydis said...

You... uh.
Really? Wow :)

Anonymous said...

Er det ikke sånn det er, med blogger, og med bøker, man vet at man har lest noe bra når man ønsker at man kjenner forfatteren? Jeg tror det. God tur til London.

Frøydis said...

Jo, det er gjerne saann, jeg vet jeg tenker det i hvert fall, det var bare overraskende og hyggelig at noen tenkte det om meg.
Tusen takk, vi er i London naa og har akkurat spist. Det nest foerste Caroline og jeg gjoer er selvfoelgelig aa sette oss foran det store inernett, nerder som vi er :)